Deze nacht tussen 02:00 en 06:00 uur gaat de NL-IX spoed onderhoud uitvoeren aan de core switch in Nikhef.
Dear Customers,
Please be advised we have to issue an emergency maintenance for one of our core switches at NIKHEF.
In the past couple of days we have been experiencing customer impacting issues and in order to mitigate these issues we have to upgrade the management blade of the switch, for which we need to power down the switch.As this is one of our core switches the impact of this maintenance will ripple through our entire network. Depending on the product you use you can experience the following issues during the maintenance:
– Peering vlan: BGP sessions to various peers will go down during the maintenance
– NL Transit: The BGP sessions with the router in NIKHEF will go down during the maintenance, but the sessions towards our Equinix AM7 router will stay established
– JointTransit: The BGP sessions with the router in NIKHEF will go down during the maintenance, but the sessions towards our EquiniX AM7 router will stay established. Your session with AS20562 will also be disrupted during this maintenance.
– Directly connected customers at NIKHEF: If you are directly connected to our switch in rack 347, your ports will go down during this maintenance. If you are connected to one of our other switches at NIKHEF, your port will stay up, but no traffic will be able to pass through except for other customers connected to the same switch.
The expected outage will be approximately 30 minutes, but it is possible this will occur more than once during the maintenance window. In order to limit the impact on your side, we advise you to disable your BGP sessions prior to the change.
Kind regards,
NL-ix Operations
Trans-iX maakt gebruik van de NL-IX voor peering verkeer en NL Transit verkeer. Om eventuele overlast te voorkomen zullen wij over 10 minuten de peering sessies en de NL Transit sessie met Nikhef uitschakelen. De NL Transit sessie met Equinix laten we actief en deze sessie zal het Nederlandse verkeer overnemen van de uitgeschakelde sessies. De transit verbindingen in onze datacentra blijven ook beschikbaar zodat redundantie gewaarborgd blijft.
Tijdens het uitschakelen van de sessies zal verkeer automatisch worden omgeleid waardoor u mogelijk kort een hogere latency kunt ervaren.
Om 08.00 uur zullen na controle van het onderhoud bij de NL-IX de sessies weer worden geactiveerd. Hiervan is geen hinder te verwachten, mogelijk zult u eventuele hogere latency weer naar het normale niveau zien dalen.
Mocht u vragen hebben over dit onderhoud of mocht u problemen ondervinden op het netwerk dan kunt u 24×7 contact opnemen met de storingsdienst op het nummer in uw service level agreement.